By Dr Arthur Bainomugisha, Executve Director
I extend warm greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) and welcome to the 5th Issue of our Local Governance Briefer! This Issue of the Briefer is addressing policy and administrative issues for the effective implementation of the Parish Development Model – a strategy that is restructuring of Government service delivery systems intended to cover the last mile of deepening decentralization. The theme of the 5th Issue of the Briefer is “The implementation of the PDM and Implications for Service Delivery at the Local Government Level”
The Parish Development Model (PDM) is a strategy for organising and delivering public and private sector interventions for wealth creation and employment generation at the parish level as the lowest economic planning unit. The purpose is to deepen the decentralisation process; improve household incomes; enable inclusive, sustainable, balanced and equitable socio-economic transformation; and increase accountability at local levels. The overall objective of the PDM is to increase the effectiveness of the interaction between the government and citizens to accelerate realization of socio-economic transformation.
It is envisaged that implementation marks a major milestone in Uganda's development journey in three main ways: i) accelerating implementation of Area-Based Commodity Development (ABCD) planning which is vital for realising the quantity and quality of agricultural production required for agro - industrialisation and export development; ii) extending the whole-of-government approach for development to the parish level in a consolidated manner as opposed to working in silos; and ; iii) localising Vision 2O4O and the National Development Plan for effective measurement and management of development interventions. ACODE, has noted that the implementation of the PDM will require some re-organisation of some processes both at the central and local government level. It is against this background that the 5th Local Governance Briefer is addressing the emerging issues from the implementation of the PDM. We hope that these articles will inform the policy discussions happening at various levels. In case you missed Issue 4, please click here
Finally, we invite your feedback to help us know how useful the Briefer is to your work and how we can improve it. While ACODE is the publisher of this briefer, the views expressed herein are strictly for the authors.