By Dr Arthur Bainomugisha, Executve Director
I send you warm greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development (ACODE). I would like to introduce to you our 4th Issue of the Local Governance Briefer. The theme for this issue is “Policy Shift from Sector-Wide Approach to Program-Based Approach: Implications for Local Governments.”
The evolution of PBA has its origin in the adoption of the Sector Wide Approaches (SWAps) in developing countries. The PBA has, therefore, emerged out of growing dissatisfaction with SWAP that has been largely viewed as ‘fragmented, donor-driven interventions” entailing high transaction costs. The motivation for developing PBA is the need to ensure that there is the integration of government projects rather than sectors working in silos and the need to improve the impact and sustainability of government programmes.
The different writers have endeavoured to explore the implications of this policy shift to local government budgets and service delivery. These discussions are influenced by knowledge and critique of the functionality of the Sector Working Groups (SWGs) in Uganda. They provide insights into the ongoing policy developments. This issue, therefore, will further dissect policy issues or concerns and raise red flags where necessary. This issue also unravels the operational dynamics of the Program-Based Approach (PBA) in different sectors, possible challenges and recommendations. It is, therefore, my pleasure to invite you to this 4th Issue of the Local Governance Briefer. In case you missed Issue 3, please click here
Finally, we invite your feedback to help us know how useful the Briefer is to your work and how we can improve it. While ACODE is the publisher of this briefer, the views expressed herein are strictly for the authors.