Issue 10 | June 1, 2020 |
Introducing the Tenth Issue of the CBEG Economic Briefer
Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha, Executive Director | @ACODE_Uganda
Greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) and welcome to the 10th Issue of our Economic Briefer! This Issue of the Briefer comes at a time when the world is beginning to ease lockdown situations that were in place to contain Covid-19. In order to address ourselves to the socioeconomic effects of Covid-19, we decided to change the interval of publishing the briefer from quarterly to monthly. This 10th Issue is the first in monthly series (If you missed Issue 9, find it here). . . . Read More
How the USD 491.5 Million IMF Loan to Uganda will be Utilized
By Ms Clara Mira | IMF Resident Representative @ClaraMiraSa
The Ugandan economy is being severely impacted by covid-19. Growth projections are expected to nearly halve, from 6 percent growth projected for FY2019/20 to the current projection of 3.3 percent. Supply side disruptions, a sharp decline in both external and domestic demand due to the confinement measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, and a sharp decline in remittances and FDI are expected to take a large toll on growth. The sectors more affected by the crisis include services (tourism, hospitality), manufacturing, construction and agriculture. . . . Read More
Import Substitution as an Economic Response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda
By Dr Susan Kavuma | Research Associate | @ACODE_Uganda
The exponential increase in infected persons and death due to Covid-19 resulted into a surge in the demand for medical supplies such as test kits, test reagents, gloves, sanitizers, face masks, personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilators that overwhelmed the available supply. This then resulted in the rationing of supplies between and within countries. Besides the surge in the number of infected persons, panic buying and hoarding; the shortage in medical supplies was caused by disruptions in the supply chain due to constraints in production and logistics. In April-2020, the WHO reported that factories producing PPE had a backlog of 4-6 months of global supplies. The lack of sufficient supply of the required medical equipment caused countries to identify home grown solutions to the problem.. . . Read More
Using Uganda’s Tax Policy as an Economic Stimulus in the aftermath of Covid-19
By Emmanuel Keith Kisaame | Research Fellow, @ACODE_Uganda
In February 2020, Uganda launched its long awaited Domestic Revenue Mobilisation Strategy (DRMS). The strategy targets an increase in domestic revenue from the current level of 14% to 18% of GDP during its implementation period. However, the framers of the strategy (which was consultatively drafted between 2018 and 2019) could not have envisaged a shock (economic or otherwise) to the scale and magnitude of Covid-19. Such has been the devastating effect of the pandemic that revenue mobilisation in the country is projected to register a shortfall of about a Trillion UGX in Financial Year (FY) 2019/20. It is now unlikely that the DRMS target of increasing the country’s revenue to GDP ratio by 0.5% annually will be met. . . Read More
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