By Dr Arthur Bainomugisha
 Greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) and welcome to the 15th Issue of our Economic Briefer. This Issue of the Briefer addresses Uganda’s contemporary socio-economic policy issues and development challenges in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery and rising commodity prices.
The 15 th Issue of the Briefer is themed around, “Contemporary Socio-Economic Dynamics and their implications on Economic Growth and inclusion.” Over the past few years, Uganda has experienced myriad multifaceted shocks that have tremendously led to increasing public debt (both domestic and external), sky-rocketing inflation, and worsening unemployment bearing a more profound effect on the youth, women and People with Disabilities. These challenges pose a great towards achieving Uganda’s national development agenda. Therefore, this Issue in the ACODE Economic Briefer Series presents a snapshot of Uganda’s Debt stock, assesses the effectiveness of the Central Bank in controlling inflation, addresses the worsening plight of Youth unemployment, and analyses if the fiscal regime is fit for purpose with the deepening financial inclusion in Uganda.
It is against this background that the 15 th Issue of the briefer seeks to stimulate debate and propose interventions to address economic vulnerabilities posed by the, increasing public debt, contractionary monetary policies to manage supply-driven inflationary pressures, the plight of youth unemployment, and exploring if the fiscal regime is fit for purpose with deepening financial inclusion in Uganda. We hope that these articles will inform the policy discussions happening on various platforms.
As always, we invite Your Feedback to help us improve. If you missed Issue 14, find it here. Please note that while ACODE is the publisher of this briefer, the views expressed herein are strictly for the authors. They do not represent organisational positions for ACODE or the organisations where our contributing authors work.
Finally, I take this opportunity to wish you seasonal greetings.