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Issue 04 | October 2024
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Towards a Green and Circular Economy

Dear Partner,

Greetings from the Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE). Welcome to the 4th Issue of the Green Economy Coalition Briefer whose theme is: Towards a Green and Circular Economy.

As you may be aware a ‘circular economy’ means an economic system where the value of products, materials and other resources in the economy is maintained for as long as possible, to enhance their efficient use in production and consumption. By so doing, there is a reduction of negative environmental impact of their use, minimization of waste and the limiting the release of hazardous substances at all stages of their life cycle. Included in this is the issue of the application of the waste hierarchy. The aim of the circular economy is to make the most out of the material resources available to humanity and other species by applying three basic principles: reduce, reuse and recycle.

A circular economy protects the environment, reduces emissions, minimises the consumption of natural resources and reduces waste generation. A circular economy also benefits the local economy through production models based on the re-use of waste as raw material. In addition, it drives employment growth through stimulating the development of a new, more innovative and competitive industrial models, higher economic growth and resource independence.

The fourth issue of the Green Economy Briefer seeks to create awareness about the concept of a circular economy, its relevance to attaining the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and also identifies some of the challenges, opportunities and recommendations aimed at ensuring the transition to a green and circular economy.

Based on the cost benefit analysis of the circular economy, we highly recommend to countries in East Africa and Africa to embrace the circular economy and escape the negative effects of climate change that is knocking on our doorstep.

By Dr. Arthur Bainomugisha - Executive Director, ACODE.

Preview of what's inside:

Understanding The Concept of a Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

By Dean Tashobya – Circular Economy Expert/Country Representative-Uganda, African Circular Economy Network Foundation (ACENF)

The circular economy (CE) is an innovative model aimed at redefining how economies operate by emphasizing sustainability, resource efficiency, and waste reduction. Unlike the traditional linear economy, which follows a "take-make-dispose" approach, the circular economy seeks to close the loop of product life cycles through greater resource efficiency, reducing waste, and creating economic, environmental, and social benefits.

Uganda's Journey to a Green and Circular Economy: A Path to Sustainable Development

By Elizabeth Kebirungi, Planner, Environment and Natural Resources, National Planning Authority

Uganda is transitioning to a circular economy, with the aim of reducing intensive extraction of natural capital as well as better waste generation and management through value addition. This transition is aimed at lessenning the environmental impact and promoting socio-economic sustainability. The National Planning Authority has already started integrating the principles of a circular economy into the National Development Plan III (2020/21 – 2024/25), but the implementation has been limited.

The Role of the Private Sector in Promoting a Green and Circular Economy: A Case Study of WEYE Clean Energy Company Limited

By Kakembo Brian, Founder- WEYE Clean Energy Company, 2020 Commonwealth Young Person of the Year, Forbes Africa 30 under 30 Class of 2021

The transition to a green and circular economy is essential for sustainable development. A green economy is aimed at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities while enhancing human well-being and social equity. A circular economy seeks to minimize waste and make the most out of resources by creating a closed-loop system where products, materials, and resources are reused, repaired, refurbished, and recycled. The private sector plays a crucial role in this transition by innovating, investing, and implementing sustainable practices. This article explores the role of the private sector in promoting a green and circular economy, using WEYE Clean Energy Company Limited, as a case study. Additionally, it discusses how religious institutions, NGOs, and the government can support these efforts.

EU logoThis edition of the Green Economy Briefer has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this Briefer are the sole responsibility of the authors and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

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